service desk

Planning and implementation of resilient infrastructures in the IT Service Desk

An efficient and resilient IT Service Desk can make the difference between a continuous operation and a costly outage

Enterprise Service Management Izertis

Izertis successfully presents a practical approach to Enterprise Service Management implementation on Atlassian

Izertis successfully presents a practical approach to Enterprise Service Management implementation on Atlassian

Guia Enterprise Service Management

Get to know the ESM guide to boost your company's organisational capabilities

#TheESMGuide enhances organizational capabilities by integrating key governance and management disciplines

sistema de reporting

Optimising IT service reporting: measurement, processes and benefits

Organisations rely heavily on their Information Technology (IT) services to operate efficiently and competitively.

problemas resueltos de organizacion y gestion de empresas

Benefits of problem management practice in the organisation

Problem management minimizes incident impact and prevents recurrence, adhering to best practices consolidated by ITIL4

acciona izertis

Acciona renews the Corporate Project Office Service (PMO) with Izertis

We renewed the tender contract for Acciona's Corporate Project Office Service (PMO) with the aim of achieving progressive efficiency of all its demand management IT governance-related initiatives at national and international level.


What is HCMBOK?

The HCMBOK® is the model proposed by the HUCMI for managing and leading change. Its focus is primarily based on considering the human factor as part of the strategy of any kind of projects. 

Backup izertis

Backup: context, trends and technologies

Data protection is more important than ever due to the increasing volume and complexity of data, as well as the ever-more-sophisticated cybersecurity threats. 

Marcos trabajo izertis

Frameworks: What happens when the solution becomes the problem in ICT environments?

Over several decades, we have seen how many organisations seek to solve their "problems" by eventually applying the most fashionable framework or solution. Does that sound familiar to you? 

— 9 Items per Page
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