The transformative power of artificial intelligence

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financial technology partners

Ensure the quality and accuracy of accounting and financial information with Talentia Financial Suite

Talentia Financial Suite is a comprehensive, effective platform supporting CFOs in financial management, performance control and financial close


Izertis technology partner of the NEURON-DONES project to generate the energy of the future

Izertis is a technological partner of the international project NEURON-DONES, where it brings the latest technological trends to the unique scientific facility IFMIF-DONES.

factura farmacia

Efficiency in the communication of automatic invoices in the pharmaceutical sector

With a results-oriented approach, Izertis developed a customised solution for a client in the pharmaceutical sector.

izertis pharma

"AI is also a tool for cybercrime; prevention is the smartest thing to do"

At a conference organised by the Pharma Unit of Izertis, Juan Luis García Rambla, Lead of Cybersecurity Business Development, gave a lecture on 'The dark side of AI' and its impact on a critical sector such as healthcare

¿cuál es el objetivo principal de dlops (data science and machine learning operations)?

MLOps: the future of Machine Learning Operations in the digital transformation

AI and ML drive transformation, enabling companies to innovate and adapt in an ever-changing market

intranets y extranets

Intranets: the heart of organisations

The era of intranets ends, ushering in digital workspaces. With technology advancing rapidly, we embrace digital workspaces where automation and efficiency are key

gay lussac gestion izertis

French investment fund Gay-Lussac Gestion joins Izertis' shareholding structure

The investment fund Gay-Lussac Gestion, an independent asset management company present in France since 1995, dedicated to investing in small and medium-sized European companies,has entered the capital of Izertis with an initial investment of 640,000 euros, which it plans to increase, and the acquisition of 80,000 shares

Izertis DONES 2024

Izertis, in DONES Xcitech 2024: "The future of nuclear fusion will only succeed with collaboration between industry and technology"

Izertis has returned for the second consecutive year to the annual DONES Xcitech 2024 school, associated with the IFMIF-DONES facility, which was held in Granada.

Izertis brings "a new investment landscape in the technology sector" in Mexico as CAMESCOM partner

Izertis has been established in the country since 2014, with offices in Guadalajara and Mexico City, where around fifty professionals work.