Izertis holds Shareholders' Meeting after announcing its 250 million revenue target for 2027
The Chairman and CEO of Izertis, Pablo Martín, chaired the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on Tuesday, at which, among other things, the Annual Accounts were approved and the incorporation of Juan Carlos Ureta to the Board of Directors of the company was ratified. The event took place at the NH Gijón Hotel and was attended by more than 60% of the multinational's share capital.
During the meeting, emphasis was placed on the 2027 Strategic Plan, through which the Asturian company aims to reach 250 million euros in revenues and an Ebitda of more than 33 million euros.
In order to carry out this plan, the financial soundness of the corporation has been highlighted, which currently has several sources of financing open. These include Banco Santander's Smart Fund (10 million), the Alternative Fixed Income Market (MARF) with 8.3 million in promissory notes currently outstanding, with the possibility of increasing the outstanding balance to 30 million, Sabadell's Crisae private debt fund (8 million), and Inveready's convertible bonds (4 million).
The company highlighted the improvement in the normalised Ebitda margin, which is 13.1% higher than the previous year
"We have funding sources that are remarkably diverse and very flexible, and this translates into great strength when it comes to being able to plan and finance our long-term growth, and also differentiates us from a huge number of companies in our country", says the Izertis president.
During the meeting, the company highlighted the improvement in the normalised Ebitda margin, which is 13.1% higher than the previous year. It is also solvent, with cash and cash equivalents of 35.6 million at the end of the last financial year, an 8.6-fold increase on the 4.2 million reported just three years ago.
As Diego Cabezudo, director and vice-chairman of the Audit Committee, has explained, "there are two particularly positive issues this year. One is profitability, as we are in an industry with growth of around 5-8% in the best of cases, and we are well above that, with this 13.1%. And secondly, the improvement in margins translates into an increase in net profit, where we have seen a 57.4% increase this year compared to last year.
Assessment of the shares
Based on the annual accounts approved at the General Meeting, and the new Strategic Plan, reports published by market analysts estimate the target price for the technology firm's shares at 10.70 euros according to GVC Gaesco, 10.64 euros according to Renta 4's valuations, and 10.25 euros considering the analysis of JB Capital Markets.
According to Pablo Martín, "independent analysts' valuations show a revaluation potential of more than 30% over the current price, which is a clear market endorsement of both the results presented and our growth plan for the coming years. This confidence allows us to remain optimistic about our ability to continue to create value for our shareholders”.