Izertis stands out among the first SAP Partner companies with the highest number of certifications in Portugal
Our company stands out among the first SAP Partner companies that have the highest number of valid certifications in Portugal. Despite the difference in size with respect to the rest of the companies mentioned in this classification, our firm presents an excellent result with the highest number of certifications in BusinessObjects.
Likewise, our company has been the only SAP Partner that has stood out for having a complete set of certifications in BusinessObjetcs, thus demonstrating its knowledge and mastery in fields such as BI Platform (1 certificate), Data Services (3 certificates) and Data Intelligence (3 certificates).
Our consulting firm was recognized as SAP Recognized Expertise in Business Intelligence in Portugal
Also, our consulting firm was recognized as SAP Recognized Expertise in Business Intelligence in Portugal. This designation was awarded based on our experience in this area and the fulfillment of the terms required by the SAP Partner Edge Recognized Expertise Program.
“This collaboration with SAP enhances the development and implementation of digital transformation solutions fully integrated with the different SAP environments of each company. In addition, it allows us to meet one of our objectives framed within the strategic plan for growth and consolidation of Business Solutions services”, has highlighted our CEO from Portugal, Ivon Ramalho.
From industrial to service sector, from finance to public administration, from application management services to data and intelligence solutions. At Izertis we have benchmark brands within our portfolio of services that enhance and demonstrate our knowledge of the market.
As SAP Partners, our firm can provide solutions and products within this field, such as SAP Analytics, Cloud, Business Intelligence, HANA, among others. In this way, it helps SAP customers to design, implement, integrate and optimize their business processes.