Izertis increases its R&D projects up to 14.6 million euros
The digital transformation specialist company Izertis has closed the year by increasing its R&D projects to reach 14.64 million euros, which represents a 75% increase over the previous year. Within its investments, the technology group mobilizes 6.66 million euros of its own funds for execution, a figure that exceeds the 4.32 million of the previous year by 55%.
Along these lines, Izertis has participated in over 30 projects during 2022, the largest annual portfolio in its history, sharing initiatives with partners from more than 25 countries. The company, known for leading the digital transformation processes of major Spanish companies and the public administration, positions itself with these figures among the leading technology consultancies in terms of innovation in our country. The set of these projects mobilizes an investment of 120 million euros for Izertis and its more than 70 partners.
"We are in a historic moment for innovation. Both the European Union and Spain's commitment to cutting-edge initiatives that promote science and innovation encourage many companies to increase their investment in these types of projects", explains Miguel Ángel Acero, Head of Digital Transformation at Izertis.
"The work we have been doing in recent years has allowed us to position ourselves at this time as a reference, not only to execute our own initiatives but also to be a preferred partner to design projects based on different emerging technologies. We place special emphasis on our penetration in Europe, where we closed the year with 7 active projects, which are the confirmation of our growth plan in the old continent for the coming years", emphasizes Acero.
Technologies, projects, and future
The most recurrent technologies used in the 2022 projects are led by blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, and different fields of AI such as machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, and NLP. These technologies have been distributed among fields of different sectors, among which stand out the automotive, agri-food, scientific, logistics, industrial, or healthcare, among others.
Izertis has participated in over 30 projects during 2022, the largest annual portfolio in its history
Among the latest projects revealed by the Asturian technology company is Neurondones, driven by IFMIF-DONES, the organisation responsible for building the future nuclear fusion reactor in Granada. This project deploys a priority infrastructure for the European Union due to its international impact and scope, and Izertis is responsible for designing a digital twin oriented to simulate the reactor's operation.
On the other hand, Izertis is executing INVECPRO, aimed at designing a 100% electric autonomous airport tractor vehicle, for which Izertis is responsible for developing the autonomous driving system.
Also, N0WASTE, which reduces material losses throughout the entire food chain using artificial intelligence and big data, from packaging to perishable products, even reusing waste to create 'biofuels' such as biohydrogen or biomethane. This reduction in losses is traced through blockchain technology.
Finally, EBSI-Vector for 2023, which, within the Digital Europe initiative, promotes the creation of a digital wallet that unifies the issuance and verification of 'diplomas' in Europe, with guarantees of legality, in a consortium that includes 52 partners from 20 European countries, which among its members includes the Spanish National Mint and Stamp Factory, La Poste (France), La Poste Italiana (Italy), etc.
For these more than 30 projects, Izertis manages funding from organisations such as the European Commission, the Ministry of Science and Innovation, or the Government of the Principality of Asturias, among others.