Izertis joins the network of SAP Partners for the implementation of new services and solutions
Izertis has become a new official SAP Partner by joining its service program. Being part of the SAP Partner Edge Service Program and having its technology gives us the opportunity to develop and implement our own applications and exchange knowledge that allows us to offer our clients new business solutions and SAP services that respond to their needs in a faster and much more efficient way.
Advantages of the agreement
Thanks to this joint collaboration, Izertis will expand its SAP practice with the aim of offering our clients two fundamental advantages: firstly, support services based on SAP solutions in use of high international specialization and at a very competitive price in our centres located in Spain and Portugal. And, secondly, to contribute with our prolific experience in digital transformation projects and with SAP unit to offer a combined and integrated experience to cover the needs of innovation and transformation of our customers.
With this important cooperation agreement between Izertis and SAP, we can therefore not only take advantage of the capacity of both companies to offer integrated solutions that help our clients to transform and optimize their business processes, but also to fulfil one of our framed objectives within the strategic plan of growth and consolidation of Business Solutions of Izertis.
Objetives of Izertis
According to our Business Solutions Director, Ivon Ramalho: “The formalization of the collaboration agreement with SAP is a logical and natural step taking into account the consistency of SAP practice in Izertis. It reinforces our path to the expansion of our offer in this area by providing innovative solutions, as well as tools, methodologies and services that will facilitate the transition to the cloud of our customers’ current SAP operations”. He adds: “it enhances the development and implementation of digital transformation solutions fully integrated within the different SAP environments of each company”.
For Izertis, as a technology consultant, who has been committed to maintain long-term relationships for more than 20 years, she intends to continue along the same lines, positioning herself as a strategic partner, capable of providing the vision and technology necessary to face the digital challenges of our customers, while adding a differential component through certified SAP solutions that allow them to achieve greater competitive advantages.
With this agreement between Izertis and SAP, Ivon Ramalho firmly believes that “the reinforcement of this collaboration with SAP will be a winning bet for both companies, since it allows us to further improve the response to the demands of a market in constant transformation and extremely demanding of services and solutions with high added value”.