gay lussac gestion izertis

French investment fund Gay-Lussac Gestion joins Izertis' shareholding structure

The investment fund Gay-Lussac Gestion, an independent asset management company present in France since 1995, dedicated to investing in small and medium-sized European companies,has entered the capital of Izertis with an initial investment of 640,000 euros, which it plans to increase, and the acquisition of 80,000 shares. The transaction demonstrates the market's confidence in Izertis' business strategy, reinforcing its position, as well as its growth trajectory, with an average annual increase of 20% in its 27-year historys business strategy, reinforcing its position, as well as its growth trajectory, with an average annual increase of 20% in its 27-year history. Izertis has been listed on the BME since 2019 with a current market capitalisation of more than 230 million euros.

The arrival of the French fund comes a month after the Anémona Group, an investment company chaired by Pablo Arnús, made the largest investment in Izertis capital. In this transaction, he acquired 6% of the company's shares, making him the second largest shareholder after the chairman, Pablo Martín. 

Izertis closed the 2023 financial year with a 31.6% increase in revenues (121.3 million euros) and a 54.4% increase in normalised Ebitda (18.6 million euros). The Spanish technology consultancy firm's 2027 Strategic Plan foresees reaching 250 million euros in revenues and 33 million euros in EBITDA by the end of that year. 

About Gay-Lussac Gestion

Gay-Lussac Gestion, present in France since 1995, is an independent asset management company dedicated to investing in small and medium-sized European companies. The group integrates several microcap and small cap funds, through which it invests in eurozone companies with an investment horizon of at least 5 years. These funds, which have won numerous international awards, manage more than EUR 300 million in equity funds.