cloud migration
Diana Silva Marketing Assistant

SAP BI and the migration of legacy systems to the cloud

SAP Business Intelligence (BI) is changing the way companies deal with legacy systems. This article explores how integrating SAP BI not only optimizes current operations but also prepares your business for a digital future in the cloud. Through strategic insights and efficient migration solutions, you can increase operational efficiency, reduce costs, and maintain your business competitiveness.

Legacy and its business relevance

Legacy, in the business and technological context, refers to systems, technologies, processes, or practices developed in previous periods that still influence current operations. These systems often utilize obsolete or unsupported technologies, making it difficult to integrate with new technologies and adapt to market changes.

The role of SAP BI in business transformation

SAP Business Intelligence (BI) transforms raw data into valuable insights for strategic decisions. By integrating and analysing data from multiple sources, SAP BI helps businesses identify trends, optimize operations, and drive growth.

Benefits of SAP BI

SAP BI offers numerous benefits, such as:

  • Informed decision-making: accurate, real-time insights facilitate strategic decisions.
  • Improved operational efficiency: automating data collection and analysis reduces the need for manual intervention.
  • Competitiveness: rapid adaptation to market changes.
  • Optimization of resources: efficiency in personnel management, raw materials and equipment.
  • A holistic view of the business: integration of data for comprehensive analysis and identification of opportunities.

Cloud migration and its benefits

Cloud migration involves moving data and applications to the cloud, offering scalability, flexibility, and the potential reduction of operational costs:

  • Scalability: adjustment of resources as needed, without large investments in infrastructure.
  • Flexibility: remote access to data and applications, facilitating collaboration and remote work.
  • Cost reduction: reduction of expenses with hardware and maintenance.

Challenges and solutions in migration

  • System compatibility: use middleware tools to ensure that new cloud systems integrate seamlessly with legacy systems.
  • Data security: implement robust security protocols, including encryption of data in transit and at rest, and use multi-factor authentication.
  • Data categorization and strategy: reporting data, active staging, and legacy data must be identified and managed appropriately to optimize resources and costs in the cloud.

Steps to a successful migration

It is essential to carefully follow the rules for exporting content, especially regarding the maintenance of security settings and user hierarchies, to ensure a smooth and lossless transition of data, considering the following steps:

  1. Initial assessment: analysis of legacy systems to determine suitability for migration.
  2. Detailed planning: timelines, required resources, and risk mitigation strategies.
  3. Phased execution: gradual migration to test and adjust the process.
  4. Continuous monitoring and optimization: post-migration adjustments as needed.

SAP and data management during migration

En Izertis ofrecemos servicios especializados para facilitar la transformación digital de las organizaciones.

Effective data management in SAP, especially during migration, is crucial for consolidating and governing data from multiple sources, ensuring high quality and consistency. Legacy data export functionality in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) enables efficient integration and migration of data, using APIs for superior performance.

Efficient and secure migration from legacy to cloud with Izertis 

At Izertis, we offer specialized services to facilitate the digital transformation of organizations. With our expertise in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) and SAP BO BI Suite, we help companies migrate their legacy systems to the cloud efficiently and securely. Our certified consultants provide customized solutions to meet the specific needs of each client. To learn more about how we can help your business achieve the future of SAP analytics, contact us.