Izertis will use Artificial Intelligence in the ORGANAIDES project for the detection of cancer
The multinational digital transformation technology company Izertis is working on the ORGANAIDES project, which aims to tackle an industrial research process capable of generating new approaches in the generation of tumour organoids (mainly sarcomas and squamous cell carcinomas) supported by artificial intelligence protocols.
The development of projects of this level takes on special relevance in a context in which, according to the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), early detection of cancer allows it to be diagnosed in the early stages of the disease, increasing the chances of achieving curative treatment.
This initiative is aimed at creating synergies that will lead to a better understanding of cancer
This initiative, funded by SEKUENS (Asturian Agency for Science, Business Competitiveness and Innovation), formerly IDEPA, within the R&D Projects programme for the 2022 financial year (File IDE/2022/000440), has also involved the IDONIAL Foundation and FINBA, the Foundation for Biosanitary Research and Innovation of the Principality of Asturias.
Automation of the study of the behaviour of three-dimensional tumour cell cultures is highlighted
In the words of Sarai González, Lead of Innovation at Izertis, "this initiative is aimed at creating synergies that result in the knowledge of cancer itself and that serve as a lever for change in the development of the disease, its detection and treatment. At Izertis we believe in the hybridisation of science and technology to solve health problems and improve the quality of life.
Among the objectives to be achieved in the development of this initiative are the automation of the study of the behaviour of three-dimensional tumour cell cultures to determine patterns, new variables and relationships that contribute to the study of cancer behaviour and global knowledge of the disease.
The agreement reached will generate new avenues for research
Likewise, he highlights the progress in cancer-related research to advance not only in the knowledge of the disease and the response of tumour tissues to different stimuli such as time or drugs, but also to improve possible treatments, thus contributing to personalised medicine.
The agreement reached between the FINBA and IDONIAL foundations and the technology consultancy firm from Asturias will generate new avenues of research that will be favoured by the use of enabling scientific specialties, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning or 3D Bioprinting.
Also the creation of an anonymised database to support the next phases of the project and further research. Thanks to this collaboration, technology is made available for research and progress in the medical-health sector.