Eleia Energía Izertis

Izertis, in charge of Eleia Energía's new website and digital marketing plan

Eleia Energía, the electricity and gas company specialising in solar energy, has chosen Izertis to start the digital transformation process of its sales force.

Two milestones have been achieved as a result of this partnership:

  • New website. Eleia Energía's new website has been designed with the user in mind. It has an intuitive and user-friendly interface that makes it easy to explore all of the company's products and services, such as the installation of solar panels, self-consumption of energy and the innovative solar piggy bank, which allows surpluses from self-generation to be offset against future bills.
  • Digital marketing consultancy. Eleia Energía has also entrusted Izertis with the launch of its digital marketing strategy, which includes all Performance, Communication and Design services in the Digital Experience area.  

This strategic collaboration between the two companies represents a breakthrough for the company, combining the digital expertise of Izertis with the business vision of Eleia, a major player in the clean and renewable energy sector in our country.

Security and usability

A modern design that reflects Eleia's true identity

Eleia's new website, developed by the Digital Experience team and hosted in Azure by Tech Infrastructures to meet all the security requirements set by the Spanish utility, represents a revolutionary approach to the way it interacts with its customers

The website has been designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, as well as to substantially improve the user experience with a modern design that reflects Eleia's true identity: an innovative brand committed to sustainability. 

The new site was designed based on several CRO studies with three clear objectives: to make navigation clear, to make the information as accessible as possible and to improve conversion compared to the previous site.

Transparency and accessibility

Eleia has taken a major step towards modernising its technology infrastructure

One of the outstanding features of Eleia's new website is its focus on transparency and accessibility of information. Users can easily access details on the energy services offered by this Cobra Group subsidiary, as well as resources on the importance of moving towards renewable energy, such as solar self-consumption.

The platform also provides information of interest with the aim of clarifying all the doubts related to electricity and gas billing that its customers may have.

With this new partnership, Eleia reaffirms its commitment to lead the transformation of the electricity sector towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly model. By partnering with Izertis, one of the leading benchmark companies for its expertise in digital solutions, Eleia has taken a major step towards modernising its technology infrastructure and improving its customer experience.

Performance and digital communication

Eleia is also advancing its online presence by entrusting its digital marketing strategy to Izertis. This collaboration was born with two clear objectives: to strengthen the brand's positioning in the market and to take advantage of the power of digital marketing to generate online business.

Our team is in charge of Performance, Communication and Design services to boost Eleia's presence and visibility in the digital environment. One of the key areas is SEO, which is essential to improve the company's ranking in search engines.

We also helped Eleia with its online advertising campaigns to support its online brand awareness and demand generation strategy, reinforced with a digital analytics plan that will help make real-time business decisions and maximise return on investment.

In terms of communication and digital design, Izertis will collaborate with Eleia to develop an effective and engaging plan that reflects the brand identity. Eleia and Izertis will work side by side in the management of social networks and in the creation of specialised content to be published on its blog. The objectives are to generate interaction with Eleia's audience, strengthen its digital presence and build lasting relationships with customers.

According to José Ramón García, Head of Digital Experience at Izertis, "Eleia is more than ready to generate a solid online business and reinforce its position as a leader in the sustainable electricity sector. We are very proud to be able to work with them and to help them achieve the goals we have set for ourselves".