AESA izertis

Izertis, responsible for the document migration of the AESA

Our technology consultancy firm has won the public tender to carry out the version migration of the document management platform of the Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea (AESA), a body attached to the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, using the Alfresco content management system. 

In addition, our company will develop a management application for AESA's archiving team that will allow them to manage SIA files, document series and the classification table in Alfresco.  

The Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea (AESA) is the Spanish public body responsible for the organisation, supervision and inspection of air transport safety and air navigation and airport safety systems.  

The project will enable the public body to improve and complete its electronic archive management

For its part, our consultancy firm brings to this initiative extensive experience in the administration of document management projects, in the configuration and development of Alfresco software, as well as in the management of an electronic administrative archive.   

The project, which is scheduled for completion before the end of the year, will enable the public body to improve and complete its electronic archive management, as well as working with a current version of Alfresco with vendor support.  

Thanks to AESA, our firm continues to accumulate experience with organisations belonging to the field of public administration, where in recent months we have worked with the Ministry of Education of Castilla y León, the Parliament of the Balearic Islands and the Regional Government of Galicia, among others.