Izertis’ completes the acquision of 5 new companies
Izertis, with in more than 6 countries, acquires 5 new enterprises and is planning to surpass 100 million euros invoicing on the next three years with the purpose of joining the top 20 technology consulting companies in Spain
Izertis consolidates and accelerates its plan to expand with a corporative operation of great scale which ended on the acquisition of 5 technology enterprises in Portugal, Mexico and Spain. Two lusitanian companies can be found within those acquired: Sparklegend and Acordiant, the Mexican entreprise Daxpro along with the Spanish companies What About Technologies and PMOPartners.
Acquisitions in Portugal
In relations to the acquisitions in Portugal, Izertis expands its market in this country with Sparklegend, a company with offices in Oporto and Lisbon specialized in Business Operations. The completion of the growth process in Portugal is defined by the Acordiant acquirement, a consultancy company specialized in SAP and technological infrastructure with offices in Aveiro.
Growth in Mexico and Spain
On the other side of the Atlantic the corporate operation is completed by Daxpro, a Mexican company dedicated to the implementation of Microsoft business solutions. Their offices are located in Mexico City.
The consultancy What About Technologies joins Izertis, a company specialist in Data & Intelligence which has offices in the Basque Country and Catalonia. PMOPartners also engages, a consultancy located in Madrid, focused on project management and Government IT.
In the words of Pablo Martin, Izertis’ co-founder:
“Our current growth is part of an expansion plan with horizon in 2021 whose objective is to grow above 100 million euros. Given the current level of execution, we are very optimistic about its achievement.
We are currently in very advanced negotiations to acquire seven new companies, four of which we expect to close before the end of the year and which would be a strong boost to our figures in 2019.”
After this obtainment process, it is foreseen that by the end of 2018, the 43 million euros of turnover will be exceeded, and this will increase by more than 60 million in the next year 2019. The strategic plan that has as time horizon the year 2021 contemplates the launch to stock market in the next 18 months.
Information regarding the new acquisitions

Sparklegend is a Portuguese company specialized in Business Operations. Its management team has more than 20 years of experience in the sectors of telecommunications, utilities, health, banking and insurance. http://sparklegend.pt

Acordiant Technologies is a Portuguese technology company that develops its activity in the areas of information technology infrastructure, software engineering, consulting and technological support. http://acordiant.com/
What About

What About Technologies is a consultancy agency specializing in data management, its analysis and treatment for exploitation and use by companies. It offers Business Intelligence, Business Discovery, Data Mining, Social Analysis, Big Data and Geo Analysis services. http://whabtech.com/
Daxpro is a Mexican consultancy company specializing in offering business solutions for the management of information and processes of companies. It has ten years of experience in the market.

PMOpartners is a business consultancy specializing in Digital Transformation, Data & Analytics, Portfolio Management, Projects and Government IT. https://www.pmopartners.es/