Tucycle, a smart city project and smart urban mobility that is already rolling through the streets of Gijón and is being a success
Some information on Tucycle after 2 weeks active
Nº of registered users vs. Record forecasting
The forecast was 5,000 users in 12 months. Currently, 3,159 users have already been registered, of which some 450 have entered balance.
Available bicycles
A total of 115 bicycles are in operation in Gijón
Nº of stations
There are 37 Operating Tudock stations currently
Nº of rentals after two weeks of opera
More than 700
Next steps of Tucycle
In the coming months, the behavior of the users will be analyzed and studied to implement the necessary measures and corrections thanks to the IoT devices that have the bicycles installed.
Comments from some users about the app
Marcos Pérez Martín 28/6/2018 a las 22:11
"Very useful application, it makes it very comfortable to move around the city in a healthier and ecological way, I loved this initiative."Juan Antonio Pintado Pérez 23/6/2018 a las 13:13
"Great idea and great application, no complicated and timeless records, just entering the phone number and then use it. Great job!"Ignacio Menéndez Alvargonzález 26/6/2018 a las 21:3
"A great and super-accessible idea"
What have been the technological needs of the project?
Izertis has developed the technology that allows to rent, unlock, geolocate and manage all the rental service, as well as exploit the use data to improve the service.
It has also been responsible for the development of the APP from which the user rents, blocks and unlocks the bicycles together with the technological integration with the IoT devices that have installed them, in addition to the portal from which to consult all the functionalities: http://www.tucycle.com
How does it work?
Through the App, the user only has to approach one of the dozens of stations (Tudock) that are distributed throughout Gijón. The bikes are geolocated, so we just have to get close to the nearest Tudock station. The App will tell us the number of bikes available, the nearest station, the credit we have and the options to recharge the electronic purse.
Once at the station and just scanning the QR code integrated in the closure of the bike, it will unlock allowing you to start enjoying the rental service. Bicycles have to be collected and deposited once the rental is complete at the stations enabled. During the rent, the user can park the bicycle in any place to make a stop, blocking the closing that they have incorporated in the rear wheel, avoiding the subtraction of these.
Location o frental stations (Tudock)
This is how the rental stations look like (Tudock)
Where to download the app?
In the apple and Android stores:
Media that have echoed the news
- https://www.elcomercio.es/gijon/nuevas-bicicletas-alquiler-20180712002240-ntvo.html
- http://www.elcomercio.es/agencias/asturias/201806/21/gijon-dispone-nuevo-sistema-1216086.html
- http://www.elcomercio.es/gijon/nuevo-servicio-alquiler-bicicletas-gijon-aplicacion-20180622001106-ntvo.html
- https://www.lne.es/gijon/2018/06/22/gijon-estrena-nuevo-sistema-alquiler/2307168.html
- https://www.ciclosfera.com/tucycle/
- http://www.rtpa.es/asturias:--Gijon-colocara-estaciones-de-bicicletas-de-alquiler-para-todo-el-mundo_111529581374.html