Izertis implements innovation projects for an amount close to 7 million euros in 2021
Our company betting on R+D+i projects, maintaining so far in 2021 a high intensity of execution in technological areas such as Advanced Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), Additive Manufacturing or Reality Extended.
This year, our innovation team has embarked on 15 new projects focused on areas such as Industry 4.0, eHealth, Energy and Banking, along with others specific to the technology sector. These initiatives mobilize a global budget of 6'9 million euros, providing co-financing with own funds of 3.4 million euros for their execution. This data confirms Izertis' clear commitment to technological innovation and its importance in helping its clients advance in their digital metamorphosis.
Industry 4.0
In the field of industry 4.0, projects such as Paladín, aimed at the development of an advanced data analysis platform for non-serial production planning in industrial companies, SSI 4.0 aimed at building a platform for the management of sovereign identities and the governance of data, based on blockchain that facilitates the servitization of productive resources or MULTI-AI, which, thanks to the use of artificial intelligence, seeks to achieve zero-defect manufacturing thanks to the creation of a multi-material and multi-defect detection and prediction system for anomalies. Izertis also works on the improvement of industrial materials through additive manufacturing, such as the 4DPrinten project, which addresses the challenge of producing a new electrical energy harvesting device, based on smart materials capable of generating different voltages in response to an external stimulus.
Also, in the field of industry but with a focus more directed towards security, we are executing SEGRES that seeks to generate disruptive innovations in the field of industrial cybersecurity, through research on a new generation of cybersecurity technologies inspired by the functionalities of the immune system to protect industries against the complex cyberattacks they must face and thus improve their resilience against them, and consequently their sustainability, competitiveness and efficiency. In this line, there is also SecureWorld, which investigates cybersecurity, privacy and governance technologies, to solve the challenges of Spanish companies in secure digital business relationships in a hyper-connected world. The field of security complements the execution of the European project, Bordersens, that seeks to develop a unique portable and wireless prototype device with the capacity to test different types of drugs, precursors, adulterants and cutting agents in just 45 seconds.
In the Health field, projects such as Neuroeye stand out, aimed at developing biomarkers for ocular image analysis in neurodegenerative and psychiatric pathology with the aim of developing methods and protocols to support the early detection of neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases through non-invasive ocular analysis. In the field of additive manufacturing, Tissue4Skin stands out, which seeks to develop 3D bioprinting processes of skin from the generation of biotinks of human origin from starting material available in Tissue Banks, or BIOPRINTIA, financed through the call for missions of CDTI, whose main objective is to research a new treatment based on the generation of cellularized, functionalized and personalized bioimplants using innovative elements such as artificial intelligence and 3D bioprinting to provide a sustainable response to current degenerative knee pathologies derived from aging.
Banking and technology are in the development of QAI (Quantum Artificial Intelligence) that seeks to cover the needs regarding the optimization of financial solutions in areas such as Fraud Detection, Risk Analysis or Customer Segmentation with research and development of a quantum-classical hybrid algorithmic architecture of Machine Learning (QML) models, understood as Quantum Artificial Intelligence (QAI) aimed at generating ideas from automatic pattern recognition.
The execution of these innovation projects stems from Izertis' vocation to collaborate with innovative companies and institutions, thanks to which the list of partners and associates in these projects rises to the quarantine of national or European organizations. Among them, stand put technological and research centres (Tecnalia, Idonial, University of Antwerp, Fernández Vega Ophthalmological Institute, Leitat, Sirris Collective Center for Technological Industry, Hospital Vall D´Hebron or University of Granada, among others), large companies (Nokia, Petronor, IDESA, Ibermática, Arreche, S2Grupo, etc.) or companies with a high degree of specialization (Readycell, TecBiocell, Junca Gelatines, Metrohm DropSens, Cryptonics, Alias Robotix, etc.)
All these projects are promoted by different financing programs such as regional (Hazitek or PID Asturias), national (CDTI PID or Misiones) or European (Horizon 2020, Manunet or Eranet).