Izertis and Unblu seal an alliance aimed at the financial sector
Our company has closed a partnership agreement with the Swiss digital financial services platform Unblu for the implementation of its integral communication and collaboration solution, especially aimed at banks, financial institutions and insurance companies in Spain.
The agreement between both companies will allow the commercialization of this personalized assistance tool, which reinforce very significatelly the solvency of advisory, sales and support issues in financial and investment platforms.
Within the services, live chat, secure messaging, video and voice solutions are offered so specialists can answer any doubts and questions raised by their clients. The main strength of Unblu`s solutions is that its applications allow offering hybrid experiences. Within the same interface clients can solve simple doubts through bots, or they can be transferred to a specialist if the difficulty of the issue or the client requires it. With just a click, customers choose how they want to interact, having the option to change the channel if the wish so. All of these solutions are incorporated seamlessly into the web and mobile channels of financial institutions, thus users do not have to download any additional software to use it.
Complementing all the available communication channels, through this collaboration, Izertis and Unblu offer joint online browsing between adviser and client, in order to get a didactic explanation which solve the doubts 100%. Both parts can comment the questions sharing the same application, web or file, highlighting what it is relevant for the discussion.
This system, still not extended in Spain, provides a secured and tested solution for a full digital experience in the financial sector. Within just a year, the system allows those to who hire it increase by 4 times the access to scheduled meetings and reduce by 50% the costs of customer service calls.