Juan Carlos Ureta Domingo

Board of Directors
Juan Carlos Ureta Domingo
Independendent Member to the Board of Directors
Juan Carlos Ureta Domingo

With over 40 years of experience, Mr. Juan Carlos has a long and distinguished professional career in executive management and governance roles in financial sector entities. 

Mr. Ureta, State Lawyer in the Ministry of Economy and Finance (on leave of absence) and Stockbroker of the Madrid Stock Exchange, has held senior positions in private companies and on Boards of Directors (Sociedad Rectora de la Bolsa de Madrid, Servicio de Compensación y Liquidación de Valores (Iberclear), Bolsas y Mercados Españoles, Indra Sistemas, among others) and has chaired the Spanish Institute of Financial Analysts, as well as the Foundation for Financial Studies (Fundación de Estudios Financieros). Currently, he holds the position of Executive Chairman of Renta 4 Bank, S.A., a company he founded in 1986 as a securities firm and which is now the leading independent Spanish bank specialised in asset management and capital markets that is listed on the stock exchange.

In addition, Mr. Ureta has been a full-time professor of Civil Law at the University of Deusto and has authored various specialised publications on legal and financial matters.

Juan Carlos Ureta Domingo