Rural Servicios Informáticos
Provision of operation services, technical architecture services and monitoring support
The project
Rural Servicios Informáticos trusts in Izertis to provide coverage for the operation services and architectural technical services.
With regard to the operational service, it is necessary to take over the management of administration services, operation of the data processing centres, process planning and application acceptance, and production quality control.
On the other hand, the need arises to manage the technical architecture services, the unit in charge of the definition and evolution of the technical architecture of the installation and the services related to it, such as the management of the development life cycle, security management and the administration of certain infrastructures that are provided both to the unit itself and to the rest of the areas and users of third parties.
Finally, in January 2023, we started a project to support the RSI monitoring team, in which we actively participate in all the tasks of continuous improvement of the area, with the use of cutting-edge tools related to the functions to be carried out in this area.
Implement continuous improvement plans to reduce risks and service impacts
Guarantee the quality of service in terms of availability and security
Comply with established service level agreements that guarantee the quality of the service
Achieve complete synergy between team management and service management

The solution
To meet all our objectives, at Izertis we propose a Services management model that covers the following aspects:
-A governance model based on measurement, flexibility, communication and continuous improvement.
-A continuous improvement service, with its own entity, in which the entire Izertis team assigned to RSI participates, through dailies and weeklies that support the coordination of services, both linearly and transversally. Thanks to these meetings we carried out:
- The monitoring and coordination of all services; we rely on Kanban methodology which allows us to visualise the work on dashboards, maximise efficiency and continuously improve.
- Collection of proposals for improvement by the team, to be included in the monthly review with RSI.
- The approach of strategies to implement the improvements, based on the Lean methodology, whichis based on 3 very simple ideas:
- Deliver value, understood from the customer's perspective.
- Eliminate 'waste', understood as anything that does not add final value to the service.
- To move towards excellence, based on continuous improvement.
- Generation of a real team feeling, where everyone participates, proposes, listens and is listened to.
Continuous improvement, not only applied to the service, but to each member of the team through:
- Weekly monitoring of the fulfilment of training objectives for each of the members.
- Detection of difficulties in each of the components and creation of an individualised improvement plan.
- Professional career development within the services, promoting each of them according to the fulfilment of objectives achieved.
- Continuous training process that facilitates their promotion.
- -Monthly management committee with RSI, where we monitor the service in terms of actions carried out, monitoring of the continuous improvement plan, strategies to be applied and review of compliance with service levels.
-Commitment to comply with all aspects of the established service level monitoring system, which is reviewed monthly with RSI's head of technical services.
The result
- Total alignment of RSI and Izertis objectives in the provision of the service.
- Perfect match in terms of team management and service management.
- Cross-cutting coordination and improved communication of all services.
- Application of continuous improvement, both in the service and in our teams.
- Generation of a real team feeling where everyone participates and is listened to.
- Risk reduction, thanks to the exhaustive monitoring of the services.
- We guarantee the quality of service reflected in the high degree of compliance with the established service level agreements.