Identfy: biometrics and decentralised self-managed digital identity
Identfy is a product developed by Izertis allowing the issuance and presentation of verifiable credentials associated with an autonomous and decentralised digital identity. It is based on the AlastriaID model, which complies with the European ESSIF system and is EBSI Conformance.
The model of an autonomous and decentralised digital identity that gives people back control of their data with autonomy
Identfy was developed through research and design experience, development and validation of digital wallet components, biometric solutions and identity monitoring with the aim of creating solutions for self-managed, decentralised digital identities and verifiable credentials.
Izertis has shown outstanding commitment and enthusiasm into the development of Identfy because we understand that the model of an autonomous and decentralised digital identity giving people back control of their data with autonomy, privacy and security is not only the future, but also the present. The article Self-managed digital identity: what is it and why do we need it? is a great read if you want to further explore this concept and how it evolved with blockchain.
Identfy, a development for decentralized and autonomous digital identity
Identfy, a solution that makes real an autonomous and decentralised digital identity in people's day by day, companies and organisations. It can be adapted to the needs and requirements of each situation, like all our digital products. The main new features offered by Identfy are:
- Recovery of verifiable digital identities and credentials.
- Management and control over such verifiable credentials and digital identity.
- Use ofzero knowledge proofto provide verifiable credentials without disclosing data.
- Self-managed digital identity and verifiable credentials leverage biometric identification, authentication, and authorisation.
Identfy's main improvements
The solution makes it possible to know who is issuing the information and whether it is valid during the decentralised digital identity management process
Permanent removal and restoration of digital identity. Identfy offers a digital identity recovery solution. If our smartphone is lost or stolen, there is no need to create a new digital identity attached to ourselves or to the user. That way, the associated credentials will not be lost. In addition, users have the option to permanently delete their decentralised digital identity if they wish to do so.
- Resilience and recovery of verifiable credentials. Verifiable credentials that we have already generated at some point can be retrieved again through the cloud or a physical device if the mobile device is lost or stolen.
- Submission of verifiable credentials using Zero-Knowledge-Proof (ZKP). In some cases, the user may not wish to share all the information associated with a verifiable credential. In other cases, it is not necessary to share this information. The Zero-Knowledge-Proof (ZKP) protocol promotes autonomy and confidentiality in data management, allowing selective sharing of credential data.
- Access to manage verifiable credentials and self-managed digital identity through biometric recognition. A universal service that does not force users to rely on mobile electronic devices is one of the main objectives in the integration of biometrics. With this integration, we can link the digital identity with the physical identity through a single access which is in turn is decentralised.
- Digital identity surveillance and verifiable accreditation of minors or dependents. There are situations where users are unfamiliar with the management of their digital identity or are directly dependent. In this regard, Identfy addresses two challenges: one legal and one technical, facilitating the self-management of the digital identity and the tracking of credentials by another person on behalf of the dependent person.
- Trusted environment for decentralised digital identity management. It is currently impossible to determine whether any information issued by an entity is reliable due to the existence of falsifications and duplicates. The solution allows knowing who is issuing the information and whether it is valid during the decentralised digital identity management process.
Identfy, a solution affecting the health and social sector
Identfy emphasize its practical utility highlights in the social and health fields with its wide range of applications
In the field of health, its ability to improve interoperability between public and private health systems, including within the public health system itself at governmental and non-governmental level, and to facilitate interaction with the population by providing the possibility to manage their own verifiable credentials to patients is remarkable.
With citizens being the main beneficiaries of Identfy, what is most relevant in the social field is how this digital product favours citizens' access to health services, access to census or social services. Identfy benefits in several cross-sectional areas due to its effect on reducing the use of paper in bureaucratic processes and on reducing the displacements needed to complete a variety of administrative procedures. Vertical progress can be achieved in the professional and educational fields due to its connection to the social field.
Identfy enables the issuance and delivery of verifiable credentials related to a self-managed digital identity. It is based on the AlastriaID model and is aligned with the European EBSI model. We have the experience and enthusiasm to help your company or organisation if this is considering implementing or improving digital identity processes.
Call for 2021 aid for research and development projects in artificial intelligence and other digital technologies and their integration into value chains, C005/21-ED.
Identfy, a research project for the design, development and validation of components for digital wallets, biometric and monitoring solutions for decentralized digital identity and verifiable credentials.
No. of File: 2021/C005/00150739 PRO2300275-01.