Migration of Alfresco, development of an application for the management of statistical PC-AXIs files
The project
IBESTAT (Statistical Institute of the Balearic Islands) needed to upgrade its Alfresco document management system from an old and unsupported version to the new Alfresco 7.2 product version. This project involves the need to maintain the document identifiers in Alfresco during the migration process.
Along with this initiative, the client faced the challenge of setting up the infrastructure required for the new version of Alfresco, as well as the need for their technical teams to acquire the necessary skills to carry out both the installation and configuration tasks for Alfresco and the migration tasks.
Additionally, the scope of this project includes two developments:
- Development of an application for managing statistical PC-AXIS files that are stored in the document management system.
- Evolution of the client's application responsible for integrating this statistical information, contained in the document management system, with the new client portal.
Evolution of its document management platform
Training of its technical team for the installation and configuration of the document manager, and for the execution of migration tasks in production
Outsourcing the operational management of statistical file document management to avoid proprietary code within Alfresco
Evolution of its Alfresco-web portal integration component
Integration of developments with the customer's cross-cutting components
The solution
The service provided by the Izertis team has successfully met all the client's needs. The vast experience of the Izertis team in document management projects using Alfresco has made it possible to provide a low complexity and fully documented migration process, as well as efficient developments integrated with Alfresco. The developments have been designed to comply with the WCAG-AA accessibility standard and to achieve maximum usability.
The commission by the organization has entailed:
- Preparing the appropriate migration strategy to maintain the internal identifiers of Alfresco for the documents
- Preparing the manual for the execution of the migration process
- Preparing the manual for the installation and configuration of the new platform for the new version of Alfresco
- Accompanying the client's technical team during the execution of the processes on their servers
The development tasks have entailed:
- Complying with the client's development standards
- Integrating the developed components with the client's cross-functional components and with the document manager
- Preparing the technical documentation for the developments
- Preparing the installation and user manuals
The result
With the conclusion of this project, IBESTAT has achieved its objectives:
- Being able to migrate its document management platform, Alfresco, to the latest version from the manufacturer, and thus work with a version supported by the manufacturer.
- Migrating the current contents to the new version of Alfresco without affecting the applications that consume the statistical files stored in the document manager.
- Removing the management logic of the PC-AXIS statistical files from the document manager.
- Integrating developments related to the document management of statistical files with their cross-cutting components.