Quantum Artificial Intelligence

Quantum Artificial Intelligence

The QAI project aims to cover the technological needs in terms of optimisation of financial solutions in areas such as fraud detection, risk analysis or customer segmentation with the research and development of a hybrid quantum-cosmic algorithmic architecture of Machine Learning models (QML), understood as Quantum Artificial Intelligence (QAI) oriented to the generation of ideas from the automatic recognition of patterns.


Identify operational symbioses between classical and quantum computing paradigms.

Build proprietary purely quantum algorithms that provide improvements in accuracy over classical ones.


The solution, consisting of the application of quantum computing to the financial sector, will allow operations in the financial sector that currently require large computational resources to be carried out. In addition, IZERTIS has a specific business development unit related to the bank, which allows it to know the needs of the sector and to work with partners who are willing or able to apply it.

Participating entities

Funding Entity

  • Institute for the Economic Development of the Principality of Asturias


  • Izertis