we build izertis

Izertis joins the WE BUILD Consortium for the second round of Large Scale Pilots for the EU Digital Identity Wallet

WE BUILD, the consortium Wallet Ecosystem for Business and payments Use cases on Identification, Legal representation and Data sharing, is proud to announce that it has been selected by the Commission to participate in the second round of Large Scale Pilots for the EU Digital Identity Wallet.

The Commission acknowledges that Europe needs to strengthen its competitiveness and that innovation, digitalisation and support for organisations such as businesses are key enablers. In fact, in the EU Competitiveness Compass the Commission has stated that the “business wallet will be the cornerstone of doing business simply and digitally in the EU Digital”.

WE BUILD will support this by putting considerable effort on strengthening the European Digital Identity Wallet ecosystem, through a use case driven approach. 

Thirteen use cases, specifically in the areas of businesses and payments aim to making life easier for businesses and individuals alike will be piloted. WE BUILD focuses on use cases having high level of occurrence and high impact on the digital economy. WE BUILD thus aims to contributing significantly to the plans of the Commission related to EUDI Wallets and organisational/business wallets specifically.

With nearly 200 partners – Member States, public and private sector, both large, medium and small – WE BUILD has the width, the depth and the power to have a meaningful impact. 

For once, with 13 European business registers participating, the consortium has a solid foundation for its focus on digital identity and data sharing in business related use cases. The public entities in the consortium will ensure that several of business to government interactions using EUDI Wallets can be piloted. The use cases will also demonstrate the benefits that these business wallets bring to banking and payment services including interactions with consumers. 

For that, WE BUILD will take stock and leverage on learnings and other outcomes from the first round of Large Scale Pilots for the EU Digital Identity Wallet projects in order to go to near-production and show ways to represent organisations with a wallet by power of attorney, signatory rights and UBO attestations.

This will allow businesses to automate and speed up processes and reduce costs, improve security, for instance in the area of ‘Know Your Customer/Business/Supplier/Employee’ (‘KYx’). The private sector consortium partners in We BUILD will for once pilot the EUDI Wallets in several B2B, B2G or B2C interactions and assess the benefits in terms of engagement, trust, efficiencies and viability. 

WE BUILD is expected to start work in September 2025, running for 24 months. 

WE BUILD is led by the Dutch and Swedish government authorities Ministry of Economic Affairs (Netherlands), KVK (Netherlands) and Bolagsverket (Sweden). 

Please keep an eye on the WE BUILD website for updates, information about the project, its consortium and use cases: https://www.webuildconsortium.eu/