EXCALIBUR: microbial alternatives to chemical fertilisers and pesticides
The increasing use of products of microbial origin, such as fertilisers and biopesticides, represents a promising avenue for reducing chemical inputs in agriculture. However, their application may affect native soil microbial populations, which play a crucial role in soil health and functioning.
Changes in soil microbial structure due to the introduction of these beneficial micro-organisms may have implications for crop productivity and quality and ultimately for human health. Therefore, registration of these products at both EU and national level is required, together with detailed specifications and analytical methods provided by the manufacturer to ensure their efficacy and environmental safety in the medium and long term.
The EXCALIBUR project focuses on understanding how the composition and function of the soil microbiome changes following the application of bioinoculants in horticulture. By deepening this knowledge, the project aims to develop a farmer-oriented soil biodiversity management strategy. Ultimately, the aim is to reduce the use of chemical fertilisers in the EU.
Field trials have shown promising results, indicating that these products can support current horticultural practices
EXCALIBUR is an international research project launched in June 2019 and funded by the Horizon 2020 programme. Led by Dr Stefano Mocali of the Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA, Italy), it brings together a total of 16 companies and organisations from 9 European countries: Izertis and the University of Granada in Spain, NHM and NIAB (UK), InHort and Intermag (Poland), RI.NOVA and UNITO (Italy), KIS (Slovenia), NIOO-KNAW (The Netherlands), UCPH (Denmark), TUGRAZ (Austria), and KOB and FÖKO (Germany).
The project has employed innovative fermentation and formulation processes to optimise the efficacy of new multifunctional bioinoculants. Field trials have shown promising results, indicating that these products can support current horticultural practices while reducing reliance on chemical inputs.
This tool is vital to confirm the success of inoculations
Efforts are now concentrating on assessing the dynamics of soil biodiversity and the interactions between plants, soil and microbes. Innovative actions include the development of predictive models, a biodiversity-based Decision Support System (DSS) and molecular diagnostic kits for rapid and reliable assessment of soil health status.
One of the key objectives of the project is the development of a tool to detect and monitor the abundance and persistence of soil-applied bioinoculants using DNA-based techniques. This tool is vital to confirm the success of inoculations, ensure the persistence of bioinoculants and meet regulatory requirements.
In the field of cutting-edge detection tools, aptamers have emerged as versatile biosensors, revolutionising not only clinical applications but also venturing into new territories such as food safety and heavy metal contamination monitoring. However, its foray into agribusiness remained unexplored until the arrival of EXCALIBUR.
What sets aptamers apart is their ingenious design: they are made from single-stranded DNA or RNA, capable of latching onto a variety of target molecules with remarkable precision and sensitivity, and all at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional antibodies.
Imagine locating a target strain at the cellular level without the hassle of nucleic acid extraction. Aptamers make this possible, reducing the costs and labour associated with conventional methods. But it doesn't stop there: these molecular marvels open the door to innovative in situanalysis, a game changer in tracking soil microbial inoculants with unprecedented precision.
Soil presents a formidable challenge with its complex matrix, but adopting modern traceability methods is a fundamental step towards understanding ecological dynamics and refining microbial-based practices. This knowledge not only expands the avenues of sustainable agriculture, but also safeguards our precious environment.
Investing in advanced traceability methods is not just about the present; it is about ensuring a legacy for future generations
With aptamers at our disposal, we can refine bioinoculant application techniques, streamline regulatory processes and drive agricultural production towards eco-conscious systems.
Ultimately, investing in advanced traceability methods is not just about the present; it is about ensuring a legacy for future generations. By harnessing the power of aptamers, we are not only safeguarding the delicate balance of our planet, we are also cultivating a greener and more sustainable tomorrow.